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Do I Need a Lawyer for an Uncontested Divorce?
Divorces are often difficult, time-consuming, emotional, and expensive. There are, thankfully, routes to streamline the divorce process to a certain extent. If you and your spouse agree that divorce is the best option and can work to approach the related issues with an open mind, the process will be much easier. However, there are… Read More »

Who Has Custody of a Child if There is No Texas Court Order?
If you have reached the end of a divorce in Texas, the court’s final judgment will include a ruling on child custody. However, if you are unmarried parents, or if you are still in the process of a divorce, you may not know who has custody rights and responsibilities under Texas law. Families come… Read More »

Do I Need a Lawyer for Divorce?
If you are facing the possibility of divorce in Texas, you may wonder whether an attorney is worth the expense. Do you need a lawyer to see you through the process? The short answer is: No, you do not legally need a lawyer to obtain a Texas divorce. The longer answer is: Yes, you… Read More »

How to Prove Common Law Marriage in Texas
Texas law, like many states, includes provisions for common law or “informal marriages” that have not been formally certified by the state. These informal marriages, once proven, carry the same rights and responsibilities of formal marriage. Proving that a common-law marriage exists for the purposes of adoption or tax breaks, for example, can be… Read More »

Divorce Mediation Checklist
Courtroom divorces can take years to resolve and require thousands of dollars in costs and fees, all while taking a high emotional toll on the spouses and their children. More and more divorcing couples are instead choosing divorce mediation, an out-of-court approach to dividing marital property, determining how child custody will be shared, and… Read More »

Money Is Not “Tangible Personal Property” in Recent Divorce Case
The fallout from divorces, unfortunately, often does not end when a final divorce decree is entered. Parties commonly drag their feet in transferring property and other assets in accordance with the divorce order. As with any other type of legal dispute, state law encourages people to act quickly to secure their legal rights rather… Read More »

Is Living Together During Divorce in Texas Allowed?
Divorces are often unexpected and can leave both parties in unsure financial situations. Moving to a new apartment or house can take time and resources that you may not have readily at your disposal. Can you continue to cohabitate with your spouse during the divorce process? Should you do so? Can you live together… Read More »

Starting a Marriage by Getting on the Same Page
Sarah Cuddy, a Financial Advisor with Baird Private Wealth Management in Houston, has published an excellent article about the importance of mutual understanding of each person’s present finances and future goals for a healthy, lasting marriage. You can read the article by clicking here. Note: Sarah Cuddy and Baird Private Wealth Management do not offer… Read More »

Digital Assets in a Texas Divorce
The digital era has brought with it unexpected complications in the area of family law. Divorcing couples now have a whole new set of assets to divide up. Digital and virtual assets can be hard to identify, quantify, and determine to whom they should go. Moreover, the interconnectedness of our digital lives can create… Read More »

Child Custody and Relocation in Texas – The Basics
Divorce is, unfortunately, the gift that keeps on giving. Even after all the papers are signed, issues continue to arise, particularly if you share a child with your former spouse. We previously discussed the difficulties surrounding moving a child to a new school, and how to make the transition easiest for your children. Relocating… Read More »