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What You Should Know About Enforcing Visitation in Texas
In Texas, child custody and visitation rights are typically established by an agreement made by both parents. If an agreement can’t be reached, then a decision set by the family court judge will detail how custody and visitation are split between both parents. When a judge hears a case regarding child custody visitation, the… Read More »

What Happens to Your Family Business if You Divorce?
Some assets in a divorce are simple, if painful, to distribute; one party gets the house, the other gets the car and a larger share of the bank account. Other assets can be exceedingly complex. What happens when you own and operate a business during your marriage? Does half of your business suddenly belong… Read More »

How Property Division in an Estate Plan Changes During a Divorce in TX
Many people think of an estate plan as a one-time chore. You get your will or trust set up and then you move on–like buying that nice couch for the living room. Much like that couch, however, after enough time has passed, it may be time to get a new estate plan. If you… Read More »

How Does Incarceration Affect Child Support in Texas?
Life can throw some people one curveball after another. If you are divorced or separated from your child’s other parent and you or your co-parent are sent to jail, what happens? Do child support obligations change? If the paying party is sent to jail, does their support obligation automatically end? If the receiving party… Read More »

What is the Acceptance of Benefits Doctrine?
The acceptance of benefits doctrine is a legal doctrine that concerns how and when a party can challenge a court’s judgment. Failing to understand the implications of the doctrine can leave a party in dire straits following a divorce, should they find themselves unable to challenge a settlement or court order despite the existence… Read More »

IRA And Divorce: How Taking an Early Distribution Can Affect IRA Split
Retirement accounts can be some of the most complex assets to deal with in a divorce. There are options available to divorcing parties, and there are methods of division that are objectively better for each party. Below, we explore how IRAs are divided in a Texas divorce and how different distribution processes can affect… Read More »

How to Tell Your Spouse is Hiding Assets
When you go through a divorce, both parties are required to disclose all of their assets and sources of income to their spouse and the court. Even if you intend to settle, both parties are entitled to full disclosure from one another to ensure the settlement is reached based on full and accurate knowledge…. Read More »

Collecting Documents for Your Child Custody Hearing
Custody battles can be challenging and emotionally taxing. If you are in the midst of a custody battle after a separation or divorce, it’s important to keep a level head and remain responsible and diligent in order to protect your parental rights. Like any legal dispute, much of the case turns on documentary evidence…. Read More »

Who Pays For Your Children’s Health Insurance After a Divorce?
Divorce between parents can be a stressful experience. Dividing parenting time and sharing the task of rearing your child with a former partner can be conflict-ridden and emotionally draining. Disputes over financial responsibilities relating to your children can make interactions with your former spouse even more combative. Plus, no matter how amicable the split,… Read More »

Same-Sex Divorce vs. Heterosexual Divorce
Same-sex marriage has been legal in Texas for over half a decade. Same-sex couples can get married, which means they can also divorce. While the same general rules apply to same-sex divorce, there are a few additional complications that can come into play. Continue reading for a discussion of the similarities and differences between… Read More »